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“J&M Summers,” in Midwestern Heat, 2025.

"A Time of Frost," in 10x10 Flash Fiction, December 2024.

"#35," an Erasure poem from the works of Michele Foucault, in GLINT Literary Magazine. December 2024.

"Call It Cake," in The Acentos Review. 2024.

"Virtue of Dirt," in Penumbra Literary Magazine, Fall 2024.

"Wind Across the Moon And Sun," in WayWords Journal. 2024.

“Home Remedy,” in Montana Mouthful. 2022.

"Natural Extracts," a group of 5 poems, in
Propagate: Fruits from the Garden. Fall 2024.

"By the Banks of The Scamander," in Winged Moon, 2024.

“Spendo Receding,” in The Green Shoe Sanctuary. 2022.

"I Saw An Orange In the Snow," in Crow Name, Summer 2024.

“Of Snow and Sand,” in Humana Obscura, 2021.

"Perhaps the Ocean Waves,” in Wingless Dreamer. 2021

“Strawberry Resignation” & “Apricot Marmalade” in Inner Weather
published in the University of Northern Iowa's student run literary magazine, which I was co-editor-in-chief of for 2018-19.

"'His Better Half:' Hindley & Heathcliff as Foils in Wuthering Heights" in The Compass, Spring 2025.

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